Underfloor heating (UFH) is a favorite among homeowners, offering efficient warmth in colder months. With the rise of smart heating systems, UFH allows precise heating in specific rooms, saving money on energy bills. Yet, like any heating system, it needs some care and attention.

Do I Need To Maintain Underfloor Heating?
In short, yes. Homeowners love UFH for its eco-friendly approach and low maintenance requirements. While most enjoy trouble-free heating for years, a small amount of preventive maintenance ensures the system stays healthy.
Wet Underfloor Heating Maintenance
Wet UFH, relying on water for heating, demands occasional servicing, usually once a year. See our two key steps to keeping your underfloor heating running smoothly:
1. Bleeding
Air can sometimes get trapped in the system, affecting efficiency. Bleeding the system releases trapped air, ensuring even heat distribution. (Underfloor heating does not need bleeding as regularly as radiators)
2. Flushing the System
If performance drops, a flush can unclog the system. Flushing, done occasionally, involves clearing each circuit at the manifold and treating the water with an inhibitor, enhancing heat retention.
Maintenance Checklist for Installers
For ease, here's a quick checklist for installers, simplifying the UFH servicing process:
Check System Pressure: Normal pressure is 1-2 bar on the flow bar's gauge.
Inspect Water Color: Discolored water signals sludge buildup; consider flushing and adding an inhibitor.
Remove Excess Air: Use the air vent to manually expel trapped air or install an automatic air vent for convenience.
Check Boiler Activation: Ensure each UFH zone activates the pump, boiler actuator valve, and zone valve independently.
Test Each UFH Loop: Confirm correct signals are sent by repeating the boiler activation step for each loop.
Review Thermostat Programming: Check digital thermostat programming for efficiency and alignment with homeowner preferences.
Encourage Periodic Heating: To prevent pump issues, advise homeowners to periodically turn on the heating even during idle periods.
How Often to Service UFH?
While UFH generally requires minimal maintenance, an annual check-up helps identify and fix issues before the heating seasons kick in. Regular care ensures a cozy home all year round.